so it's the night before the night before christmas.
thing are pretty much the same as they always are this time of year.
and just like years passed, this one finds me in a similar state; relatively broke, moderately stressed, and unbearably grateful.
on this december 23rd, 2010 (ok, it's actually the 24th at this point, but whatever) i have nothing to complain about.
despite the fact that this year finds me in the worst financial shape i have ever been in, no presents from me under the tree, no real solid job, didn't make the deadline for school...
yet all i can think is how really lucky i am.
i have a family who has shown their support and love over and over again without judgment and asking nothing in return,
i have these crazy people who accept or, at the very least, ignore my annoying quirks and faults and bad-friend antics and continue, after all these years (or weeks) to call me "friend",
i have a fiancee who makes me feel balance and love like i have never known
i have a roof over my head
fur on every article of clothing i own
food in the fridge
gas in the tank
i am a lucky girl.
and it doesn't matter what other people are getting this year for christmas or whatever the fuck it is you celebrate, i have more than i could ever want for, more than could fit under any damn tree.
so i guess what i'm saying is thanks...all of you...
the big ones,
little ones,
furry ones,
old ones,
and new ones
for rocking my fucking life.