i've come to realize that most people don't "get" my sense of humor.
or maybe as i'm getting older my humor has become more jaded, cynical, self depreciating, obscure and utterly sarcastic.
and maybe it's because over the years lack of steady socialization has found me increasingly socially awkward, and that is reflected in my steady stream of tasteless jokes that no one seems to understand, further compounding the awkwardness.
is this something abnormal?
do other people have humor problems?
i mean, i completely understand how humor and sarcasm get lost in print, but in day to day conversations i find my comments getting those all too familiar "what the fuck?" looks from people.
and i'm also not wallowing in some pool of "woe, no one understands me!", because people do. i have a few solid core group of people who completely understand that i'm really NOT going to light the cat on fire, and the funny part about it is that i secretly kind of want to. they get that.
(and they also understand the compound sarcasm of it all)
and recently i was semi-scolded by my fiancee for laughing every single time our friends girlfriend got pissed off at him and went on a public rant, ripping him a new one. it happened a lot. i thought it was funny. it was completely absurd. and funny.
or not, i guess...
so is it that my humor is changing, or am i just noticing these confused or downright negative reactions to it more often?
as i get older do my peers just not find that shit funny anymore, or have they NEVER found it funny, and are now comfortable with their social acceptance to not pretend that they do?
or maybe i'm just not very funny.
(ok, yes i am. or at the very least i find myself hysterically amusing. and that's all that counts.)
the truth is, i don't really give a shit one way or the other.
i'm simply musing...
this is what happens when i'm left alone in the house after painting all day.
but now the musings must end as i need to go rescue my ancient, blind, toothless decrepit little dog from from my other big dog who thinks it's funny to sit on the sofa above him and smack him on the head whit his big dog paw, likely because he can't see where it's coming from.
i think it's funny too.
and that's why we get along.