Thursday, November 18, 2010

30 truth and bone confessions

1) i am planning on pulling out my own tooth. i have no intention of paying a dentist and absurd fee to do it. once i figure out which exact tooth it is, it's game on.

2) i think i'm hilarious.
some people don't agree. but they can fuck off.

3)i should not be doing this right now because i am in a grumpy mood. i'm usually in a grumpy mood, as most of you know quite well, but last night me and whiskey did the forbidden dance and right now i feel kinda gross. i will not be ding that again. whiskey, you are a sneaky friend. i trust you no longer.

4) i am upset with myself because i don't write anymore. i want to, i NEED to, but i don't. and i don't know why.

5) i have enough underwear to go well over a month without having to do laundry.
that is no accident.

6) i put off going to school because i have no idea what i want to do with my life. i want to do a little bit of everything and they don't have a major for that.

7) i sometimes like hanging out with my dogs more than with most people. even when they are naughty. like tight now.

8) i truly get upset if i'm at home and someone makes me a beverage in a coffee cup that is not my own. i find my own coffee cup ( my owl or alaska cup) comforting, and i feel almost like i am defiling the owner of the cup i am using. thusly, i do not like other people using my cup.
but i never say anything.

(though i have an inkling my sister feels the same way)

9) i rarely ever wear socks. even i winter. still.
they make me absolutely crazy when they creep out of place. so i take my chances with frostbite.

10) i am rarely ever satisfied with my work. especially my art or writing. everything i do is a work in progress, and likely will be until i cease to exist. and i've made my peace with that.

11) and speaking of making peace, i am completely aware that i am not as pretty as other girls. and i'm ok with that.
really. i'm cute enough, and like to think that my absurd  personality is charming enough to compensate. and i have great shoes. that helps.

12) thinks that rein kubinek will someday rule the world. if only secretly and quietly.
seriously, i have huge respect for her.

13) i'm pretty confident that my mom knows how much i love her, but i doubt my dad is as aware. and that breaks my heart a little.

14) i feel a need for constant change. in absolutely every aspect of my life. i do not like when things are routine. it makes me uncomfortably stifled. and i get bored relatively quickly. this usually causes problems in my relationships.

15) you can say what you want about me, but if you say something nasty about my sister, well, my wrath will likely be upon you.

16) i can sing like a motherfucker. it's therapeutic. probably the most therapeutic thing i can think of, actually. but i don't do it publicly anymore because i can't play an instrument, and, well,  every girl can sing, right? these days the seats of the car are my only audience.

17) sometimes i hate people instantly. they don't even need to do anything deplorable, i just find something about their character nauseating and i decide to hate them. usually the really cocky and self righteous are my target. but i don't hate them silently....
and i sometimes get so verbally viscous it disturbs me.
i try not to do that too much anymore if i can help it.

18) i can't stand it if there is sand in my bed. this is a bit problematic when the dogs want to snuggle.

19) i like taking broken things apart and figuring out how to fix them. pricing guns, staplers, vacuums...things like that.

20) i have a bad temper. sometimes i throw things baguettes, pumpkins, chairs... sorry.

21) i do not like working. the 9-5 gig is not my bag. i need to figure out how to make money on my own schedule.

22) that said, i work really well under pressure. i can quickly break down problems and find workable solutions and still be nice to my co-workers.

23) i do not consider myself a photographer. i'm just moderately good at taking photos. mostly photos of people. and mostly emotional, spontaneous photos. which is funny because most of the time i get more of a stir from nature, and i generally don't care for most people.
i take terrible nature photography.

24) i don't even know how to use photoshop. i mean, i can do some utterly basic stuff, but , hell, i can't even crop properly. it's really ridiculous.

25) i am a terrible speller. and also horrendous when it comes to typos. if it weren't for instant spell-check, you'd all think i was an imbecile.

26) i don't wear deodorant. that shit creeps me out. i smell good, though. most of the time. and when i don't a bit of hand sanitized to the pits works. it's just alcohol, so i feel ok about it.

27) i cry when i get angry. my eyes tear up, my face gets bright red.
not intimidating.

28) i feel like i talk too much. sometimes i feel as if i am dominating the conversation. i  don't like it.
 i suppose it's like anything else, i am headstrong and take control. i'm overall dominating. i get bossy and i don't like that either. i just have very strong feelings about how things should be, and if you can't do it the way i feel it should be done i have no problem doing it myself.  i have a really hard time relinquishing control.
i don't really see this as a good trait.

29) i am prone to depression and ADD. but i figured out little tricks for my brain to combat both.
when i'm down, i write the best stuff. and i create, do artsy shit. i don't do that when i'm happy.

and as far as the add goes, i can't explain how that works. i stopped fighting the madness and let my brain do what it wants, and try and follow along, if that makes sense. so sometimes when i'm talking to  people it seems like i'm not paying attention because i'm doing something else. but i promise you, i am.

30) i really thought i was going to cut this list short and only do like, 15 or 20. i am surprised i finished it.

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