Wednesday, September 21, 2011


oh dreary day
how thankful am i that you laid your grey damp blanket over these hours.
today is no day for sunshine
today is made for you, my dear
and your cold, wet embrace.

sometimes i think our human brains betray us more than we'd care to admit.
around every corner another cell claiming the glory of judas
and the rooster continues to crow...

all these collected lifestuffs
junk, really
junk i've squandered my time and money on
until i have the junk.
and now i want it gone.
but i'll carry it on my back
just like the junk lady
and claim that it's vital.

why do we work?
for these things...this collected junk.
we say we need to eat, we need shelter
but in what capacity?
surely not the way we think we do.
and i am learning that now, as i struggle to pay off junk i no longer even own
along with the junk i do...
...wondering why i ever though i needed all of it in the first place.

and what of "need"?
what a strange creature it it is.
like a woman with may children
the mother of all need being simple: food, protection from the elements, oxygen
then there is her lover: companionship, comfort, knowledge....
and all their little bastard children: status, power, safety, stability, peace of mind, on and on...
and these children have all inbred and had mutant children of their own, like clothes, books, ipods, cars, blenders, washing machines, sofas, ice cream, matches...

we all choose which needs we invite to live with us.

i need to ween out the bastard children and their mutant spawn.

and be left with just the woman and her lover.
eating in a house
breathing each others breath
and understanding the profoundness of it all.

1 comment:

  1. If you follow Maslow's Hierarchy of Need, it makes total sense.
    In times of greater abundance we can literally afford to not only meet the base needs but tend to the higher more developed needs. When resources dry up we revert back to the basics.'s_hierarchy_of_needs.png
