Sunday, October 3, 2010

drive...a love story

another drive
a waste of resources,
of time
of money
-and savior of soul.

something about twilight roads
away from cities
-even tiny cities.

something about the headlights and the dark
the heater blasting on cold toes
nothing but thoughts, music and engine sounds.

something about the gentle embrace of a vehicles interior in the dark
about the delicate, powerful relationship between human and macine
the wheel,
the excellerator,
the brake...
-it's romance.

something about the starry sky up
the black road down
the silhouettes of inky trees on either side.

something about a lonely drive at twilight
to remind you what longing feels like.
and also

so i get to think

about what was.
and how the past is with me still
like an aftertaste
always there, just beneath.

and about what is.
what happened?
somehow the fire got smothered to embers.
why? how?
 we get older, the system wears us down.
we give up
we give in
we disconnect and forget
we care too much
and not enough
     we die.

but tonight i remembered
for the first time in too too long i felt the presence of something great
something that made starry skies
inky night trees
cars and me

and it felt like i could ever put to a medium for you to understand.

so all i have left to say is this:
 grab the keys.
it's not too late.

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