Saturday, September 25, 2010

how i spent my (post-)summer (non)vacation

i had a plan to go to indiana with erin.
 open road.

for the past week i've woken in the morning with a headache.
"huh, weird" was about the extent of attention i paid the situation.

well, i made it as far as madison, where, after we stopped and a bit of alcohol was consumed,
mad crazy sickness ensued.
horrible, worse-than-hungover sickness.

still sick in the more adventure for me.
had to call a madison friend to rescue me and allow me to sleep on their sofa.
 tracy (madison friend) scored major friend karma points.
i, deserting erin, lost major friend karma points.

slept all day.
all day.
about 8 hours.
ate a teeny bit. took headache medicine.
john quickly managed to get the day off (somehow, with the awesome help of my mom and the kindness of his co-workers and boss) and came down to rescue me, take me home.
ate almost a real (tiny) meal.
decide to stay the night with greg and tracy. because they rule.
grocery shopping with tracy!! (insert feelings of fun here)
pick up real dinner, start to feel funny (horrible) again.
"huh, weird"

 get back to appartment, do not eat dinner.
tracy tidys up the house. cleans the bathroom.
head is exploding.
get to fully examine tracys clean toilet close-up. yay.
(insert feelings of super bad friend + bad guest here)

talk to mom. says dad had migraine, too.
oh, yeah, migraine.

somehow, instead of making me sleep on the fire escape, they pampered us, and let us sleep under their super awesome star projector.
(most. fucking. awesome. thing. ever.)

wake up next morning.
not feeling horrible. (surely it was star projector cure)
got to go to dane county farm market. (insert feelings of hell yes! here)

head home, the long way.
many stops.



(alternative title: "you have problems with migraines. they are getting worse and interfering with your life. figure it out, dummy.")

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